AICP Seminars
The AICP's highly successful Production Training Seminar was created to advance industry standards and develop consistency of production skills. This in-depth series of classes offers a detailed examination of the production process, and the role of the production staff.
This course is taught by well-known commercial production professionals.
- Producers/Production Supervisors/Assistants who want an update on digital production, wage and hours regulations, union rules, and bidding
DAY 1:
Crew Labor and Unions
- Basic obligations, right-to-work, independent contractors, union vs non-union
- Collective bargaining agreements
Partnering With the Financial Department
- Knowing Your Reporting Requirements for Employees and Independent Contractors
- Forms and Legal Issues
- Production Insurance, Insurance Certificates, Tax Incentives
The Bid
- Breakdown of the bidding process today
- Details of the Bid Form
DAY 2:
Boards to Broadcast - Live Action
- Breakdown of a completed actual job
Pitch to Delivery - Digital Production
- Breakdown of a completed actual digital job